
  • Grace has translated several scientific articles for me and my colleagues, and her work has always been outstanding.

    Nicolas Fortané, Research Fellow, INRAE Université Paris Dauphine

  • Grace has worked with me on several e-learning projects (translation of lessons, exercises...). I appreciate the way she manages projects: anticipation, respect for deadlines, attention to detail... I can't recommend her highly enough!

    Agnès Seye, consultant, TALENT programme

  • I wanted a translation that respected my writing style and Grace Delobel perfectly met all our expectations. A very good job and a friendly, efficient collaboration.

    Florence Traullé, journalist, Le Monde

  • I would like to sincerely thank Grace for her outstanding copyediting work. She helped me not only to review and ensure the linguistic quality of my English text, but also to improve the coherence of certain points in the writing. Her intervention was essential in finalizing a chapter of my agronomy thesis, which will shortly be turned into an article. Working with Grace was a real pleasure. Her professionalism and commitment make all the difference.

    Andrés Vega, PhD student, CIRAD UMR Innovation


French research centres


International organizations

Bioversity International, FAO, IUCN, WWF, OFAC, World Bank

French veterinarian schools

École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, École Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort, École Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l’Alimentation Nantes-Atlantique

French and European universities

AgroParisTech, Aix-Marseille Université, Université de Paris Dauphine-PSL, Université de Montpellier, Université de Savoie, Université de Rennes, Heig-VD, Wageningen University & Research